Colonel Jim Connors


Name: Colonel (O-6) Jim Connors

Nickname:  Emerging Threats Group Leader 


Weakness: Like Pavlov, Connors is purpose driven and has trouble holding relationships. He is narrow-minded in his beliefs and holds too much conviction to properly cooperate. 

Desire: Connors wants the United Nations to form a world government to unite humanity and overcome all obstacles, as one humanity is superior to dozens of bickering nations.

Need: Connors needs to see a world that has learned from its mistakes by any means necessary. 

Lore Background: Overseeing the ETG, Connors had a full career as an officer in the US Army. Without a family, Connors is self motivated by the idea that “all of humanity is my family” and takes the idea of being a “global citizen” to the extreme.

Story Application: While seemingly loyal to the US rather than the ETG, Colonel Connors is so devoted to the notion of international cooperation that he will put his whole career at risk to ensure success. The ends justify the means for Connors, as he will commit the ETG to extremism in order to stop the Vaiyra by any means necessary.

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