General-Polkovnik Pavlov


Name: O-8 Generál-polkóvnik



Personality: A cold-hearted pragmatist, Pavlov is an icon of his beliefs. 

Weakness: While Pavlov holds a deep rooted loyalty to all of humanity, he does not hold human life sacred. In fact, he does not hold any human institutions sacred.

Desire: Opposes the integration of Shipsouls and humanity, believing shipsouls will become another tool for humans to continue their “sinful behavior.”

Need: Pavlov believes the ends will justify the means - and he will betray, kill and sabotage in pursuit of “saving humanity.” 

Lore Background: Pavlov has a background as the leader of the Soviet’s Ctistes investigation unit, called the Soviet Anomaly Investigation and Containment Unit (to be expanded upon). He has a background as an Army advisor in Afghanistan and Vietnam.

Story Application:

Character Change:

Relationship to Home Nation:

Connections and Relationships:



Volga German

Supports Stalin’s Holodomor because it saved the Soviet Union by industrializing the economy and the means will justify the ends

Rick's Take:

A cold-blooded, purpose-driven idealist. He's seen his fare share of grim and unforgivable sins, having spent his career first at the western front [Afghanistan and Vietnam], then at the secret service beneath that front. He saw the Ctistes as an essential catalyst and driver for human society's next step forward, hoping these manifestations of human history and ideology could hammer down the final nail in the coffin of mankind's unwashable sins. He's silently opposed to the current agenda of assimilating Shipsouls into human ranks, because he think that will inevitably erode them into another tool of "the system". Pavlov plans out his course of action with an unchanging objective, releasing Ctistes from the shackles of the rotten establishment, so that they could truly advance humanity, especially his people in full swing. "My betrayal is proof of my loyalty to my people''. He would intentionally block parts of orders from his chain of command, intentionally disrupting trust between shipsoul sects and command, he would go as far as to make contact with Vaiyra to further his goals.

- Pavlov's character is intended to become somewhat of a counter to a real-life phenomena: people(especially those with power at hand) within a system would boldly and freely abuse their own power unchecked, often costing the credibility and proficiency of the entire sect/system in so doing, by causing dissent and forcing honest and hard-working people quit or turn coat. Then they turn coat by either retreating to another sector or seeking asylum in an opposite faction, and then guilt-free open fire at the system they once served and abused, using the very problems they themselves have caused as ammo. In his position, Pavlov should be able to see a lot of such characters, hence he seeks revenge by copying their ways, but for an entirely opposite cause. Thus "My betrayal is proof of my loyalty". His name stemmed from that quote "Could Pavlov's crimes be forgiven, when thousands of Red Army men became casualty statistics thanks to his command", to hint his disregard of innocent sacrifice when pushing forward his goal of "the end to all sins".


[Nilop Jul 4, 2023]: It sounds like Pavlov would join Connors in the ETG, seeking to liberate and unite humanity for once and for all lol

[Rick 1:46 AM Mar 3]: Revisiting and trying to clarify the originally planned motivation for Pavlov, he's ultimately loyal to the system (or its ideal state), and he is hostile to the status quo, so he views a disruptive adversary (the Vaiyrans) as a great "solution" to the "turn coats" he sees within the system. He wishes to "purge" the system by enabling a great adversary.