A primarily Shipsoul initiative intended to streamline cooperation with humanity. Nationally aligned shipsouls use this organization to coordinate independently of national restraints. In addition, this international forum helps demonstrate that cooperation between the East and West is possible. Here, effective research can be conducted in hopes of furthering human-Shipsoul military integration, socio-cultural integration and much more.
Independently compiled information and a Shipsoul’s prior knowledge can also be pieced together to better understand the Vaiyra. The Vaiyra’s “virtual reality” network can begin to be studied, infiltrated and implemented.
With a unique hierarchy promoting international cooperation, national influence plays a substantial role, as resources may only be contributed when it is convenient for the host nation. Despite disadvantages in procurement and unity, the advantages of superior C4ISR and flexible political independence allows the group to maintain unprecedented initiative.
As the Vaiyra begin to achieve their goals in the open, the JTF serves as the best, if only, worldwide response, as human nations become isolated and destabilized. The JTF must use all their resources available in order to preserve civilization, deflect Vaiyran initiatives and maintain their own cohesion.
I know them, you know them. This is just here for reference. I tend to forget after a few years inside the system, though that's kind of the point, isn't it?
"Okay guys. Look how secret we are. Let's go ahead and pull all our resources towards one area, that's how you keep things under wraps, guys."
It was a whole big thing in like, 92 or 93. Couldn't matter less. All that came of it was a girls' scout summer camp where they could delude themselves into thinking they could be humans, despite the contrary. You know, considering the metal and everything. Oh, and don't forget the PBX.
To be fair, it was hard tracking them down at first. And true, beyond the curtsies and marshmallows they did figure out their asses from their elbows. It's not like they can get anything done without the old Central Committee or Congress (or whatever it is this time) greenlighting some flavor of budget, one that I'm sure everyone would be happier without. When it all comes tumbling down, they can say "at least we tried!"
Their composition:
Headquarters. (N-1)
Because someone's got to push the parts together. And boy, do they hate each other.
Their commander's a Chinese LARPer who calls himself Yang. A literal who from the ass-end of an academy, there's no way anyone could take this guy seriously. For anyone looking for a combat profile and personal assessment, at this point, ask me in person and I can hook you up.
Their XO is a loser. Goes by Suvorov. An army commander - can you believe that? He got his ass kicked in Afghanistan by some goat herders and now pushed himself to do something better. Sucks that he got sidelined with the JTF. A literal nobody with a single medal. Sad to imagine his dad was some big shot in the big war.
Paper pusher without a future. File on him claims his name is Kuznetsov. Manchild. File on all the ways to manipulate him is attached to the list of ways we've already messed with him.
Signals. (N-6)
We either haven't got a full roster on his section or they simply neglected it. It's likely they have the ships covering down on signals due to, well, their signal suite. What a terrible misallocation of resources.
Intelligence. (N-2)
Evidently there's a real lack of intelligence with the JTF. Currently, we have no one to keep tabs on.
Real meat and potatoes of this bunch. I knew a few of them personally before it all went downhill. None of them should be much of an issue moving forwards, but I've attached their files for reference.
- Leahy
- Chicago
- Bristol
- D'Estrees
- Marshal Voroshilov
- Strogy
Bunch of greasy nobodies.
Handful of guys for each ship should be more than enough, considering how the Shipsouls do all the heavy lifting. I don't like having anyone around, myself. Can't imagine how annoying it must be to have fleshy humans breathing down your neck all day long.
Six cooks for like a hundred hungry bellies, one for each ship. Ask me how to get through to them if you want to leverage their food supply.
Soviet Attaches.
Maneuver Groups