HMS Victorious


R38 HMS Victorious


Nation: United Kingdom
Class: Illustrious
Type: Aircraft carrier

Personality checkup:

Personnality: Confidence through experience, modifications gave her youthful look with an inclination to educate. Advocates history and has a lot of stories to share. Professional qualities keep drip into a passion for acting, film and drama.
Believes in the value of victories, but also “only through surviving can victories be ultimately achieved”, has a steady combat style and rely on proven tactics, highly skillful in aircraft operations, prefers to defeat her enemies/achieve her mission goals through continuous operation.
Actually kind of relieved to receive an earlier retirement through the contributions of that kettle, she’s already grown tired of years of service and witnessing so many things unfold. Still willing to help in instructing the ways nevertheless.

Desire: She want to be left out of service but she's willing to help in instructing.

Weakness:  Despite a younger and more up to date appearance. Victorious has indeed grown tired of her career. Losing past companions/comrades and witnessing the downfall of the empire she served for, such experiences have lasting impacts on her. She values nostalgia and reminiscences past eras.

Character deep dive:


Story and arts: