HMS Bristol


D23 HMS Bristol


Nation: United Kingdom
Class: Type 82
Type: Destroyer

Personality checkup:

Personnality: Bristol certainly looks to be a proud, noble lady, but being an icon of an empire in decline holds a lot of weight in itself. Bristol tries to save face and give a strong impression through extravagance and ego, given her status and background, but she gets rather frugal and self conscious. Bristol ends up trying to make amends more often than not, as she fears alienation and loss of face. Design leads her towards reliance on others as a person and her namesake has her envious of ships capable of aviation, especially given how the person she was intended to serve - CVA-01 - was never born. The loss of purpose from the loss of CVA-01 leaves her lonely.

Desire: Bristol is searching for a reason to continue living.

Weakness:  Bristol’s reason to exist never materialized, leaving her coping with isolation and a lack of purpose.

Character deep dive:


Story and arts: