Noteworthy Events
- Jan Mayen Island
- The Balkan Crisis
- The Alaska Incident
- Japanese Schism of 1999
- Second Korean War
Early 1990s
- The ETG builds on national investigations from the past, ranging from Chernobyl to airliners being mysteriously lost, among many other things. Most leads are not successful, however, a lack of counter-intelligence indicates to the ETG that their existence is still unknown to the Vaiyra.
- The ETG needs to have a handle on the extent of Vaiyran infiltration. Following a lead compiled or uncovered by the Research Group, the ETG begins an investigation that involves surveillance of a local group. In doing so, they are able to gather an initial understanding that the Vaiyra continue to make contact with influential individuals or otherwise piece together a greater picture. At each location or group this occurs with, something happens to make it unique, expanding on something unexpected, be it needing to infiltrate the local group, use experimental technologies or coordinate with local governments.
(This is repeated in several places around the world.)
- The ETG investigates Vostok Lake in Antarctica following another lead. This prompts a prolonged investigation into the region, revealing a series of unnatural underground constructs, evidence of Vaiyran presence. They may or may not be discovered early on, leading to a series of events that can trigger a local conflict.
- Coordinating with the SubDevFor, the ETG investigates below the surface of the Arctic. This will put them into contact with one of the most secretive and combative of the Vaiyran states. The ETG and the Submarine Group devote many resources into uncovering as much information as they can about the disposition of this state.
- The Research Group interviews various ships in order to understand their involvement in world affairs. In doing so, they not only investigate their personal histories, but also pick up on possible points of Vaiyran interference. Every ship’s background as a ship as well as as a person help piece a picture of the world in the eyes of the Vaiyra. In the interview process, drama will emerge as individual interests come to light and conflict with others.
(This process will occur slowly as events progress.)
- The Joint Task Forces aim to better understand their human side, working with local groups and their Civil Affairs liaisons in an effort to try and live a human life. This is critically important not only as a cultural exchange but also for the ships themselves, as they have an innate yearning to connect to the humanity that their ships represent.
- The Joint Task Forces and the Submarine Group cooperate and compete in various regions as part of naval exercises, aiming to find the best way to integrate themselves with their metal hulls, their human crews and themselves as extensions of their weapons. They conduct many combat and noncombat exercises, recreating the scenarios of their past as well as the competitions they would have been expected to engage in. Here, they are effectively “re-learning” naval combat and their roles in the strategy they were designed for - along with everything else they are capable of.
- The Joint Task Forces and SubDevFor work towards operating in real scenarios, ranging from disaster relief, humanitarian missions and real world military interventions. In these situations, some act as “intelligence officers” and force multipliers, mainly due to a lack of a metal hull. While they are able to experience the world as they would have in their military careers, not everyone has a metal hull to do so, leading to tension, drama and personal initiatives. The tension between individuals would happen regardless due to diversity in thought, but the disparity in presence and role creates a divide.
- The Research Group works to develop means of accessing the Vaiyran Virtual Reality network, which dramatically improves in capability as they make breakthroughs. This is used not only for training but also to help in exploring the past as it happened, contributing considerably in uncovering Vaiyran involvement throughout history.
Late 1990s
- Broken Arrow incidents involving the displacement of nuclear weapons pose an international problem. When facilitated by the Vaiyra and orchestrated in a damming manner, this can pit nations and organizations against one another. Acting under the pretense of a United Nations or coalition effort, the Joint Task Forces may be able to defuse tensions and prevent a major war.
- Vaiyran interference in joint exercises between the Warsaw Pact and NATO may cause serious problems.
- As the US works to support the stability of a fragile Soviet Union, the Vaiyra have many opportunities to turn the factions against one another through infiltration, sabotage and targeted defacement of economic, social and political efforts.
- Through support of Soviet hardliners, the Soviet Union may orient itself as an antagonist to the West once more. Much to the fears of the whole world, the Cold War had only taken a pause, but much to the relief of the Vaiyra, the world order is more unstable than ever.
- Vaiyran shipsouls work to blatantly interrupt or sabotage installations around the world, to include nuclear testing sites or other intelligence strongpoints. By actively opposing the ETG, the Vaiyra gain the initiative and force the JTF into preventing international incidents.
- Vaiyran infiltrators embed themselves into the global mercantile network, creating hazards, damage to chokepoints, at-sea incidents and otherwise destroying faith in globalization. This will inevitably lead to dramatic worldwide social and economic upheaval and must be opposed by all groups.
- Highly capable submarines working under national banners going AWOL and defecting to the Vaiyra poses a serious risk to human militaries around the world. In order to save the reputation of Shipsoul-human cooperation and prevent the Vaiyra from gaining further means of false flag attacks, SubDevFor must track down and reign in rogue ships before a dangerous international incident can occur.
- A seizure of a weapons testing facility has catastrophic consequences, especially when serious hardware is at risk. The Vaiyra aim to discredit not only the local military but also endanger the world by putting weapons being tested off course, creating public outrage and distrust of government.
- Vaiyran information warfare campaigns create so much disinformation regarding their presence and the reality the world is in that governments are unable to disseminate true information for anything. Information sources are discredited and trust is gone as people are disconnected. They may expose the Joint Task Forces in an attempt to destroy its public image, ruining cohesion and turning people against their local government in order to stunt funding.
- CVA-01 and Verdun work to analyze NATO and Warsaw Pact sea deployments in order to challenge them as their submarine arm determines the feasibility of a European blockade, using the Arctic as a bastion.
- Vaiyran influence draws NATO apart, allowing the Soviets to compete for influence in Southern Europe. As NATO and Soviet ships mingle in the Mediterranean, the risk for international incidents grows alongside Vaiyran military buildup and infiltration.
- The JTF investigates the origins of this overt Vaiyran involvement across the world, splitting into small groups.
- The Research Group continues to gather intelligence regarding not just the Vaiyra, but also what Shipsouls are physically and mentally capable of. In the world of experimenting with equipment and weapons, they start to inadvertently uncover Vaiyran infiltration into the military-industrial complex.
- As the risk of Soviet attack rises with each international incident, the 1-444 INF work to improve their defensive posturing against Soviet incursions, only to stumble across Vaiyran infiltrators. Isolated due to a lack of knowledge on the Vaiyra, the local forces attempt to uncover what they can and interrupt the Vaiyra’s freedom of maneuver.
- The PSYOP group struggles to juggle all the information being presented to them. Acting as advisors to their assigned ship groups in isolated environments, they attempt to keep the JTF unified despite distance and prevent the Vaiyra from psychologically corrupting friendly forces.
- The PSYOP group begins to use the Research Group’s help in sending subliminal messaging to the Vaiyra. By infiltrating their Virtual Reality training sessions and embedding information in enemy networks, the group actively opposes the Vaiyran psychological warfare efforts.
- The Vaiyra deliberately target individual ships and humans through information and psychological warfare. Going so far as to infiltrate crews and facility staff, the Vaiyra have a serious mental drain on JTF cohesion.
- Emboldened by Vaiyran interference, radicalized local groups take up arms and cause serious damage to national infrastructure and cohesion.
- Vaiyran targeting of a nation’s economy results in disaster. By sabotaging natural resources and global markets, the world falls past a recession and into chaos.