Ctistes and Vaiyra

As of 04/09/2024, this is the first time I wrote the word "ctistes" without having to look it up first. - Nilop


The ctistes is pronounced "sith-is." Not whatever weird thing you have in your head. Don't lie to me, I was there too. It's the name of a species. We don't capitalize "bird" or "cat" or "humanity," so why would we capitalize ctistes? Ctistes is both plural and singular, and you use it as an adjective, too. 

"That is a ctistes ship." And "there are a group of ctistes over by the tree."

Note that the Greek pronunciation of ctistes (κτίστης) is a challenge to pronounce, so we've used our butchered version instead.

But yes! Vaiyra is pronounced as it sounds. As a name of a faction, it's a proper noun. As an adjective, it's "Vaiyran." Plural, as a noun, it's "Vaiyra." Not "Vaiyras." That's like saying "There are Frenchs over there." It's weird. Please don't do it.

Note that the Persian Vaiyra is spelled Vayira, and we've butchered it too.


Ctistes Sparknotes:

  • The ctistes are a species that is a merger of machines and biology. The name is based off the greek word for "builder" or "founder."
  • The scientific name of ctistes is Anima viniculum. This means "Life Bond" in English.
  • Ctistes "link" to machines at birth, assuming the machine as part of their identity.
  • Ctistes, due to biomechanical influences, are reliant on "cores." 

The key feature of the ctistes species is that, due to their biology, they inherently are capable of bonding or linking with appliable machines. From tractors and cars to planes and spaceships, the ctistes civilization on Earth is acutely linked to their machines in the assumption of identity. Because of the myriad forms of machines and their roles within society, all ctistes states are based on some form of caste system, with more complex and military machines at the top and simpler machines at the bottom. While this varies depending on the nature of the state, the exact nature of the ctistes species remains based on the fact that the ctistes have control over their evolution.


Based on their “core” origin, prefabricated and fabricated “souls” are both built around a concept. This concept is their machine link, which helps define the specificity of their design. 

Inspired by their ship counterpart, shipsouls would possess similar characteristics, ranging from extreme strength or endurance to the ability to process oxygen underwater. Because of the intensive “core” creation process, these attributes can be modified while in construction to build a perfected organism. 

Unfortunately, because of constraints surrounding identity and linking, the physical and mental attributes developed in the core must match the attributes of the machine/vessel in order to be mentally compatible. Upgrades may be possible, but they must match the characteristics of the machine they are linked to in order for the link to remain viable. 

To summarize the idea of a core, it is the mechanical component of the individual taking the form of key internal organs. It is the artificial component of the body that, in a philosophical sense, would hold the being’s “spirit.” These always consist of at least an electronic emitter and receiver of some kind, allowing it to link to the machine it identifies as.

The core may be manipulated continuously to incorporate upgrades or other cybernetic additions.


Before their exposure to humanity, the ctistes were as described above. They were a machine linked species that had taken command of their evolution and reproduction by means of biomechanical engineering. Before their bioengineering, this was a featherless and bipedal species of sequentially hermaphroditic (gaining sexual maturity later in life) creatures, slow to grow and mature. Litter sizes range from 1-2 offspring and it can be inferred that a lack of sexual differentiation contributed to the species having an instinctive inclination towards a “collective” society. In addition, the lack of offspring along with long lives contributed towards personal development. 

At their most “biological,” the ctistes are a carbon-based organism that breathes oxygen, like humanity. The atmospheric composition they are used to must be similar to Earth’s, but due to the shape and appearance of the ctistes individual, it can be inferred that the ctistes are accustomed to life under a pressurized environment. Before their biomechanical ascension, the ctistes had a tiered organ system with several redundancies, promoting physical strength and resilience to predators. While their bodies may be naturally inclined towards physical labors, evolution was kind to the species, matching the species’ inclination to develop technologically with a brain that fostered curiosity and continuous development.

With the introduction of biomechanical manipulation and an ascension from the species’ primitive roots through genetic engineering, the ctistes abandoned any form of sexual reproduction in favor of cores and the “linking” process. In addition, organs and their redundancies allow for cybernetic expansion and manipulation through the easy implementation of cores. 

The anatomy of a ctistes individual varies depending on the level of biomechanical manipulation the individual had undergone. On Earth, it became common, if not expected, to assume a “human” appearance identical to the female Homo sapiens.

Ctistes Psychology, Language and Society:

The concept of time should be regarded as inherently inhuman. The ctistes do not have a linear perception of time, nor do they think of the world under the concept of numerals. Time does not “pass” but rather the “self progresses.” 

The ctistes language is largely auditory, but focuses on the unique manipulations of sound and the light spectrum as associated with feelings. An emitted sound may be layered on top of an electronic emission through the “core” to add emphasis to help elaborate on very specific feelings or concepts, which are innately understood. A varied combination of emitted signals add a unique richness to dialogue. 

Their language is based on feelings rather than words or symbols. Expression is extremely diverse, fluid and enchanting. The foundation of social interaction, in the mind, is based off of beauty, sensation and the concept of expression as a connection rather than as an expression.

The idea of self is acutely pronounced, as each individual has the equivalent of their own word in the ctistes language, but at the same time, the idea of self holds little weight as the collective species is the highest form of self imaginable. In sum, there are no established words but rather implications and feelings through sound and light spectrum manipulation. 


A rough translation of “I feel you” in English, without the accompaniment of the light spectrum, would sound something like “My concept has faith in your impression” with “my concept,” “faith” and “impression” having emphasis built through shared light spectrum emissions. 

The concepts of “self,” “faith,” and “belief” are strong in ctistes culture and language is built on “heartfelt” connections and the uniqueness of emotion.

Think: Whale noises, dolphin clicks and sonar screeches

Note: Because of the emphasis on expression in language, the Ctistes, to include shipgirls, are very expressive and may seem “animated” in behavior compared to their human counterparts.

Vaiyra Sparknotes:

On Earth, the Vaiyra is the faction of ctistes that are hostile to human civilization. Despite valuing unity, this faction is made up of several states that are all uniquely independent to varying degrees. Vaiyran states are led by a strong ruler called a Sovereign. Due to their biological and mechanical origins, the Vaiyra hold deep-seated values and rely on the benefits of technology to survive in a hostile environment.