AVM-1 USS Norton Sound


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AVM-1 USS Norton Sound

Nation: USA
Class: Currituck
Type: AVM

Personality checkup:

Personnality: Norton Sound has an expensive taste in coffee and the realization that we are all particles that can simply be reshaped, Norton Sound is not insane but she’s so eccentric and hopped up on caffeine that she might as well be. Seemingly born with a chronic addiction to sci-fi, video games and dungeons and dragons, Norton Sound is some geeky-nerd driven to make her dreams of fiction into a reality. Always ready to act, Norton Sound holds no shame and is always ready to commit to the pursuit of science, even if whatever she’s up to is a terrible idea. She speaks in the language of physics, space and rocketry. Norton Sound is your friend and you know it, even if you get called up in drunken tears at 2am to drive her home from the lake because her latest spaceship was a failure.

Desire: She wants to be the first by improving herself and make her dreams a reality.

Weakness: She fear a world too dull, but at the same time, she rationalize everything.

Character deep dive:


Story and arts: